Module stm32wl::stm32wl5x_cm4::rcc::cr[][src]

Expand description

Clock control register


Clock control register

Field CSSON reader - HSE32 Clock security system enable

Field CSSON writer - HSE32 Clock security system enable

Field HSEBYPPWR reader - Enable HSE32 VDDTCXO output on package pin PB0-VDDTCXO.

Field HSEBYPPWR writer - Enable HSE32 VDDTCXO output on package pin PB0-VDDTCXO.

Field HSEON reader - HSE32 clock enable

Field HSEON writer - HSE32 clock enable

Field HSEPRE reader - HSE32 sysclk prescaler

Field HSEPRE writer - HSE32 sysclk prescaler

Field HSERDY reader - HSE32 clock ready flag

Field HSIASFS reader - HSI16 automatic start from Stop

Field HSIASFS writer - HSI16 automatic start from Stop

Field HSIKERDY reader - HSI16 kernel clock ready flag for peripherals requests.

Field HSIKERON reader - HSI16 always enable for peripheral kernel clocks.

Field HSIKERON writer - HSI16 always enable for peripheral kernel clocks.

Field HSION reader - HSI16 clock enable

Field HSION writer - HSI16 clock enable

Field HSIRDY reader - HSI16 clock ready flag. (After wakeup from Stop this bit will be read 1 once the HSI16 is ready)

Field MSION reader - MSI clock enable

Field MSION writer - MSI clock enable

Field MSIPLLEN reader - MSI clock PLL enable

Field MSIPLLEN writer - MSI clock PLL enable

Field MSIRANGE reader - MSI clock ranges

Field MSIRANGE writer - MSI clock ranges

Field MSIRDY reader - MSI clock ready flag (After reset this bit will be read 1 once the MSI is ready)

Field MSIRGSEL reader - MSI range control selection

Field MSIRGSEL writer - MSI range control selection

Field PLLON reader - Main PLL enable

Field PLLON writer - Main PLL enable

Field PLLRDY reader - Main PLL clock ready flag

Register CR reader

Register CR writer


HSE32 Clock security system enable

Enable HSE32 VDDTCXO output on package pin PB0-VDDTCXO.

HSE32 clock enable

HSE32 sysclk prescaler

HSE32 clock ready flag

HSI16 automatic start from Stop

HSI16 kernel clock ready flag for peripherals requests.

HSI16 always enable for peripheral kernel clocks.

HSI16 clock enable

HSI16 clock ready flag. (After wakeup from Stop this bit will be read 1 once the HSI16 is ready)

MSI clock enable

MSI clock PLL enable

MSI clock ranges

MSI clock ready flag (After reset this bit will be read 1 once the MSI is ready)

MSI range control selection

Main PLL enable

Main PLL clock ready flag