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STM32L4 HAL implementation

NOTE: This HAL implementation is under active development (as is the underlying embedded_hal itself, together with its traits, some of which are unproven). We follow the HAL implementation in https://github.com/therealprof/stm32f4xx-hal and pull in individual devices behind features - the goal is for this implementation to become ubiquitous for the STM32L4 family of devices (well-tested, feature-complete, well-documented). However! At this time, actual testing has only been performed for the STM32L432KC microcontroller. Participation is of course very welcome!


pub use embedded_hal as hal;
pub use stm32l4;


Analog to Digital converter

Controller Area Network (CAN) Interface

CRC calculation unit

Date and timer units & helper functions


Peripheral access API for STM32L4X2 microcontrollers (generated using svd2rust v0.19.0 ( ))

Direct Memory Access Engine

Direct Memory Access Multiplexing

Flash memory module

General Purpose Input / Output

Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) bus. Synchronized with the stm32h7xx-hal implementation, as of 2021-02-25.

Low power timers

Peripheral access API for STM32L4X2 microcontrollers (generated using svd2rust v0.19.0 ( ))

Prelude - Include traits for hal

Pulse Width Modulation

Power management

Quad Serial Peripheral Interface (QSPI) bus

Reset and Clock Control

RTC peripheral abstraction

Serial module

Device electronic signature

Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) bus

Peripheral access API for STM32L4X2 microcontrollers (generated using svd2rust v0.19.0 ( ))

Time units


Touch sense controller

USB peripheral

Watchdog peripherals


Enumeration of all the interrupts.

Attribute Macros