stm32h7-sdmmc 0.1.0

Hardware Abstraction Layer for (SDMMC) on STM32H7


Hardware Abstraction Layer for 'Secure' digital input/output MultiMediaCard interface (SDMMC) on the STM32H7.

This crate depends on the GPIO and Clock functionality from stm32h7xx-hal.


The H7 has two SDMMC peripherals, SDMMC1 and SDMMC2.

IO Setup

For high speed signalling (bus clock > 16MHz), the IO speed needs to be increased from the default.

use stm32h7xx_hal::gpio::Speed;

let d0 = d0.set_speed(Speed::VeryHigh);


By default the SDMMC bus clock is derived from the pll1_q_ck. This can be set when initialising the RCC.

let ccdr = rcc
    .freeze(vos, &dp.SYSCFG);

There is an extension trait implemented for the SDMMC1 and SDMMC2 periperhals for easy initialisation.

// Create SDMMC
let mut sdmmc = dp.SDMMC1.sdmmc(
    (clk, cmd, d0, d1, d2, d3),

The next step is to initialise a card. The bus speed is also set.

if let Err(err) = sdmmc.init_card(10.mhz()) {
    info!("Init err: {:?}", err);

The card() method returns useful information about the card.

let card = sdmmc.card();
if let Some(card) = sdmmc.card() {
    info!("SD Card Connected: {:?}", card);


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