stm32f0xx-hal 0.11.1

Peripheral access API for STM32F0 series microcontrollers



stm32f0xx-hal contains a hardware abstraction on top of the peripheral access API for the STMicro STM32F0xx family of microcontrollers. It replaces the stm32f042-hal by a more ubiqitous version suitable for additional families.

Currently supported configuration are:

  • stm32f030
  • stm32f030x4
  • stm32f030x6
  • stm32f030x8
  • stm32f030xc
  • stm32f042
  • stm32f070
  • stm32f070x6
  • stm32f070xb
  • stm32f072

The idea behind this crate is to gloss over the slight differences in the various peripherals available on those MCUs so a HAL can be written for all chips in that same family without having to cut and paste crates for every single model.

Collaboration on this crate is highly welcome as are pull requests!

This crate relies on Adam Greigs fantastic stm32f0 crate to provide appropriate register definitions and implements a partial set of the embedded-hal traits.

Some of the implementation was shamelessly adapted from the stm32f103xx-hal crate by Jorge Aparicio.


0-clause BSD license.