Crate stellar_horizon

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Stellar Horizon

The stellar-horizon crate provides a client to connect to Horizon. Horizon is an API to interact with the Stellar network.

If you are looking for a way to create Stellar transactions, take a look at stellar-base.

Design Goals

This crate makes some design choices that come from my experience in writing server side application that interact with the Stellar network:

  • HorizonClient is a trait to make writing unit tests easier.
  • Streaming responses are just a Stream, again to simplify testing.
  • Expose response headers to follow rate limiting and avoid error response.
  • Responses can be serialized back to json, making it possible to write middleware services.

Connecting to Horizon and first request

You connect to horizon by creating an HorizonHttpClient, then you can use this client to send requests to Horizon.

use stellar_horizon::api;
use stellar_horizon::client::{HorizonClient, HorizonHttpClient};

let client = HorizonHttpClient::new_from_str("")?;
let request = api::root::root();
let (headers, response) = client.request(request).await?;
println!("Horizon Version = {}", response.horizon_version);

Account details

use stellar_base::PublicKey;
use stellar_horizon::api;
use stellar_horizon::client::{HorizonClient, HorizonHttpClient};

let client = HorizonHttpClient::new_from_str("")?;
let account = PublicKey::from_account_id("GA73S4WXZG7EONFCIFDSZ6VOJKFC2PMV5574YDJC4V4UBDGPAYN4SPAC")?;
let request = api::accounts::single(&account);
let (headers, response) = client.request(request).await?;
println!("Account Sequence Number = {}", response.sequence);

Streaming responses

This crate has full support for streaming response from Horizon. Since an Horizon stream is just a Stream, you can use all methods that work on a Stream.

use stellar_horizon::api;
use stellar_horizon::client::{HorizonClient, HorizonHttpClient};
use stellar_horizon::request::PageRequest;
use futures::stream::{Stream, StreamExt, TryStreamExt};

let client = HorizonHttpClient::new_from_str("")?;
let request = api::transactions::all().with_cursor("now");
// Only take the first 5 events.
let mut stream =;
while let Some(event) = stream.try_next().await? {
    println!("Event = {:?}", event);

