Macro stdweb::js_deserializable [] [src]

macro_rules! js_deserializable {
    ($kind:tt) => { ... };
    (impl< $($impl_arg:tt),* > for $kind:ty where $($bounds:tt)*) => { ... };
    (impl< $($impl_arg:tt),* > for $kind:ty) => { ... };

A macro which makes it possible to convert an instance of a given type implementing Serde's Deserialize into a Value using TryInto.

For types defined outside of your crate you can also use the Serde newtype to make them deserializable indirectly.


#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
struct Person {
    name: String,
    age: i32

js_deserializable!( Person );

let value = js! {
    return {
        number: 123,
        string: "Hello!"

let structure: StructureSerializable = value.try_into().unwrap();
assert_eq!( structure.number, 123 );
assert_eq!( structure.string, "Hello!" );

This macro also accepts generics just as the js_serializable! does.