Macro static_assertions::assert_eq_size_ptr [] [src]

macro_rules! assert_eq_size_ptr {
    ($x:expr, $($xs:expr),+ $(,)*) => { ... };

Asserts that values pointed to are equal in size.

This especially is useful for when coercing pointers between different types and ensuring the underlying values are the same size.


fn operation(x: &(u32, u32), y: &[u16; 4]) {
    assert_eq_size_ptr!(x, y);

Byte arrays of different lengths have different sizes:

This code doesn't compile so be extra careful!
static BYTES: &[u8; 4] = &[
    /* ... */

static TABLE: &[u8; 16] = &[
    /* ... */

assert_eq_size_ptr!(BYTES, TABLE);