var searchIndex = {}; searchIndex["static_buffer"] = {"doc":"","items":[[3,"FixedBuffer","static_buffer","",null,null],[6,"FixedBuffer64","","",null,null],[6,"FixedBuffer128","","",null,null],[8,"FixedBuf","","A FixedBuffer, likes its name implies, is a fixed size buffer. When the buffer becomes full, it\nmust be processed. The input() method takes care of processing and then clearing the buffer\nautomatically. However, other methods do not and require the caller to process the buffer. Any\nmethod that modifies the buffer directory or provides the caller with bytes that can be modifies\nresults in those bytes being marked as used by the buffer.",null,null],[10,"input","","Input a vector of bytes. If the buffer becomes full, process it with the provided\nfunction and then clear the buffer.",0,null],[10,"reset","","Reset the buffer.",0,null],[10,"zero_until","","Zero the buffer up until the specified index. The buffer position currently must not be\ngreater than that index.",0,null],[10,"next","","Get a slice of the buffer of the specified size. There must be at least that many bytes\nremaining in the buffer.",0,null],[10,"full_buffer","","Get the current buffer. The buffer must already be full. This clears the buffer as well.",0,null],[10,"current_buffer","","Get the current buffer.",0,null],[10,"position","","Get the current position of the buffer.",0,null],[10,"remaining","","Get the number of bytes remaining in the buffer until it is full.",0,null],[10,"size","","Get the size of the buffer",0,{"inputs":[],"output":{"name":"usize"}}],[8,"StandardPadding","","The StandardPadding trait adds a method useful for various hash algorithms to a FixedBuffer\nstruct.",null,null],[10,"pad","","Add standard padding to the buffer. The buffer must not be full when this method is called\nand is guaranteed to have exactly rem remaining bytes when it returns. If there are not at\nleast rem bytes available, the buffer will be zero padded, processed, cleared, and then\nfilled with zeros again until only rem bytes are remaining.",1,null],[11,"standard_padding","","",1,null],[11,"new","","Create a new buffer",2,{"inputs":[],"output":{"name":"self"}}],[11,"input","","",2,null],[11,"reset","","",2,null],[11,"zero_until","","",2,null],[11,"next","","",2,null],[11,"full_buffer","","",2,null],[11,"current_buffer","","",2,null],[11,"position","","",2,null],[11,"remaining","","",2,null],[11,"size","","",2,{"inputs":[],"output":{"name":"usize"}}],[11,"clone","","",2,null],[11,"fmt","","",2,null]],"paths":[[8,"FixedBuf"],[8,"StandardPadding"],[3,"FixedBuffer"]]}; initSearch(searchIndex);