Crate stati

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A Rust library for easy to use and configurable cli progress bars


  • fairness:
    • enables using parking_lot’s FairMutex
    • (adds some overhead but may fix some issues?)
  • nightly:
    • enables using nighlty rust (generic_associated_types) for some extra optimizations


Simple progress bar implementations. use these or create your own!

trait imports for stati.


the same as print! from the std lib, but it displays text through the provided BarManager instead of printing it directly, allowing printing without breaking the progressbar

the same as println! from the std lib, but it displays text through the provided BarManager instead of printing it directly, allowing printing without breaking the progressbar


Manager for all current progress bars and text output.

a wrapper around a Bar, allowing the manager to keep a copy while passing one to the user


How the bar is handled when it is completed (done is called)


Basic API of a progress bar, providing methods required for all progress bars