starry 0.1.0

Current stars history tells only half the story
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A tool to store the counts of GitHub stars.


Did you notice all those tools pretending to graph the numbers of stars on repositories are always only rising ?

That's because you've been lying to: those tools only shows the current stars, with their age. Because that's the only information you can get with the GitHub API.

If you want to see the real stars graph there's no other solution than to regularly query and store the numbers. That's what this tool does.

Because the history of current stars tells only half the starry.


cargo install starry


In order to query the GitHub API, you must register your API token:

starry set github_api_token your-token

(see for creation)

You need to say what user(s) you want to follow:

starry follow dtolnay
starry follow ralt

Fetching the stars is done with


If you want regular data, you should probably add a cron rule.

Data are stored in clear in CSV files (if you're on linux, they're in ~/.local/share/starry/stars. Those files can be used as is.

If you want time series, for example to graph them, you may extract them as csv with the extract subcommand:

starry extract shepmaster ralt BurntSushi dtolnay dtolnay/anyhow > test.csv

In this query we want to get the time series of 4 users (meaning their total number of stars) and one repository.

Here's an example of result:
