starling 1.0.3

This tree structure is a binary merkle tree with branch compression via split indexes. failed to build starling-1.0.3
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Visit the last successful build: starling-4.0.0

Merkle Binary Indexed Tree (Merkle-BIT)

This tree structure is a binary merkle tree with branch compression via split indexes. See here for a basic explanation of its purpose.

Basic Usage

    extern crate starling;
    use starling::common::merkle_bit::MerkleBIT;
    use std::path::PathBuf;
    fn main() {
        // A path to a database to be opened
        let path = PathBuf::new("some path");
        // These type annotations are required to specialize the Merkle BIT
        // Check the documentation for the required trait bounds for each of these types.
        let mbit = MerkleBIT<DatabaseType, 
                             ValueType>::new(path, 8);
        // Keys must by slices of u8 arrays or vectors
        let key: Vec<u8> = vec![0x00u8, 0x81u8, 0xA3u8];
        // An example value created from ValueType.  
        let value: ValueType = ValueType::new("Some value");
        // You can specify a previous root to add to, in this case there is no previous root
        let root: Vec<u8> = mbit.insert(None, &[key.as_ref()], &[value.as_ref()])?;
        // Retrieving the inserted value
        let inserted_values: Vec<Option<ValueType>> = mbit.get(root.as_ref(), &[key.as_ref()])?;
        // Removing a tree root