Expand description

Defines a runtime Starlark value (Value) and traits for defining custom values (StarlarkValue).

This module contains code for working with Starlark values:

  • Most code dealing with Starlark will use Value, as it represents the fundamental values used in Starlark. When frozen, they become FrozenValue.
  • Values are garbage-collected, so a given Value lives on a Heap.
  • Rust values (e.g. String, Vec) can be added to the Heap with AllocValue, and deconstructed from a Value with UnpackValue (or specialised methods like unpack_str).
  • To define your own Rust data type that can live in a Value it must implement the StarlarkValue trait.
  • All the nested modules represent the built-in Starlark values. These are all defined using StarlarkValue, so may serve as interesting inspiration for writing your own values, in addition to occuring in Starlark programs.


A type StarlarkAny which can cheaply wrap any Rust value into a Value.

Array type used in implementation of List.

The boolean type (False and True).

The dictionary type, a mutable associative-map, which iterates in insertion order.

Utilities to implement Display (or repr) for Starlark values.

Types supporting documentation for code written in or for Starlark.

Fixed set enumerations, with runtime checking of validity.

The floating point number type (3.14, 4e2).

Function types, including native functions and object.member functions.

The integer type. Currently limited to 32 bit.

The list type, a mutable sequence of values.

The None type.

The range type, constructed with range().

A record type, comprising of a fixed set of fields.

The string type. All strings must be valid UTF8.

The struct type, an associative-map created with struct().

The list type, an immutable sequence of values.


Generate {has,get,dir}_attr in the StarlarkValue impl block that proxy to the ones generated by derive(StarlarkAttrs)


Used to freeze values by Freeze::freeze.

A heap on which FrozenValues can be allocated. Can be kept alive by a FrozenHeapRef.

A reference to a FrozenHeap that keeps alive all values on the underlying heap. Note that the Hash is consistent for a single FrozenHeapRef, but non-deterministic across executions and distinct but observably identical FrozenHeapRef values.

A FrozenRef is essentially a FrozenValue, and has the same memory and access guarantees as it. However, this keeps the type of the type T of the actual FrozenValue as a reference, allowing manipulation of the actual typed data.

Define a &'static str that can be converted to a FrozenValue.

A Value that can never be changed. Can be converted back to a Value with to_value.

FrozenValue wrapper which asserts contained value is of type <T>.

A heap on which Values can be allocated. The values will be annotated with the heap lifetime.

A FrozenValue along with a FrozenHeapRef that ensures it is kept alive. Obtained from FrozenModule::get or OwnedFrozenValue::alloc.

Same as OwnedFrozenValue but it is known to contain T.

A constant string that can be converted to a FrozenValue.

Wrapper for a Value which can only contain a StarlarkStr.

Used to perform garbage collection by Trace::trace.

A Starlark value. The lifetime argument 'v corresponds to the Heap it is stored on.

An opaque value representing the identity of a given Value. Two values have the same identity if and only if Value::ptr_eq would return true on them.

A wrapper that keeps the original value on the heap for use elsewhere, and also, when unpacked, unpacks the value to validate it is of the correct type. Has an UnpackValue instance, so often used as an argument to #[starlark_module] defined functions.

Value wrapper which asserts contained value is of type <T>.


Non-instantiatable type implementing a simple StarlarkValue.

Common errors returned by Starlark evaluation.


Trait for things that can be allocated on a FrozenHeap producing a FrozenValue.

Trait for things that can be created on a Heap producing a Value.

Like Any, but while Any requires 'static, this version allows a lifetime parameter.

A marker trait such that the existence of From: Coerce<To> implies that From can be treat as To without any data manipulation. Particularly useful for containers, e.g. Vec<From> can be treated as Vec<To> in O(1). If such an instance is available, you can use coerce and coerce_ref to perform the conversion.

A trait for values which are more complex - because they are either mutable, or contain references to other values.

Need to be implemented for non-simple StarlarkValue.

Provides access to the same type as Self but with all lifetimes dropped to 'static (including lifetimes of parameters).

How to put a Rust values into Values.

Called by the garbage collection, and must walk over every contained Value in the type. Marked unsafe because if you miss a nested Value, it will probably segfault.

How to convert a Value to a Rust type. Required for all arguments in a #[starlark_module] definition.

Abstract over Value and FrozenValue.

Derive Macros

Derive the AnyLifetime trait. Requires the type has no type arguments, no constant arguments, and at most one lifetime argument.

Derive the Freeze trait.

Derive the NoSerialize trait for serde.

Derive accessor methods that are designed to be used from {has,get,dir}_attr in an impl StarlarkValue block. All fields in the struct that are not marked with #[starlark(skip)] are exported to Starlark code as attributes. NOTE: Any usage must also call starlark_attrs!() in the impl block for StarlarkValue, otherwise the generated attr methods will not be used.

Derive the Trace trait.