var searchIndex = {}; searchIndex["stal"] = {"doc":"stal-rs\n====","items":[[3,"Stal","stal","An operation to be executed on a set",null,null],[4,"Set","","A set of values. It can be generated from a Redis key or from a set\noperation based on other sets.",null,null],[13,"Key","","A key",0,null],[13,"Union","","All the elements in any of the provided sets",0,null],[13,"Inter","","All the elements in all the sets",0,null],[13,"Diff","","All the elements in the first set that are not in the other sets",0,null],[11,"convert","","Appends the operation to `ops` and any temporary id created to `ids`.\nReturns the key representing the set.",0,null],[11,"new","","",1,{"inputs":[{"name":"string"},{"name":"set"}],"output":{"name":"self"}}],[11,"explain","","Returns a list of operations to run. For debug only.",1,null],[11,"solve","","Returns a lit of operations, wrapped in a multi/exec.\nThe last operation is always exec, and the returned `usize` indicates\nthe return value of the `operation`.",1,null]],"paths":[[4,"Set"],[3,"Stal"]]}; initSearch(searchIndex);