stack_dst 0.7.0

A wrapper that allows storage of unsized values of up to a fixed size inline (without boxing) failed to build stack_dst-0.7.0
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Visit the last successful build: stack_dst-0.8.1


Inline (aka stack-allocated) dynamically-sized types


This crate provides ways of storing DSTs inline (not needing a heap allocation)

Basic usage

This crate covers two primary usecases

  • Value allows storing (and returning) a single DST within a fixed-size allocation.
  • Stack and Fifo allow heterogeneous collections without needing to box each object.


One of the most obvious uses is to allow returning capturing closures without having to box them. In the example below, the closure takes ownership of value, and is then returned using a Value

use stack_dst::Value;

fn make_closure(value: u64) -> Value<dyn Fn()->String> {
    Value::new(move || format!("Hello there! value={}", value)).ok().expect("Closure doesn't fit")
let closure = make_closure(12);
assert_eq!( closure(), "Hello there! value=12" );


  • Works for most test cases
  • Not rigourously tested across platforms

Minimum rust version

  • Uses MaybeUninit, so requires at least 1.36


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