staart 0.1.7

A Rust implementation of a tail-like library and binary crate


staart is tail-like implementation in Rust for Linux systems. The binary expects exactly one argument which is the file to be followed. Tailing of the file starts at the end of the file, and continues from there. If a file is rotated with a new file created with the same name the program will continue following the named file, and not the previous version. The program will crash if non-utf8 code points are encountered during tailing.


staart offers a Rust std-lib only binary crate capable of following a file consiting of utf-8 code points. If the file is rotated, the new file will be followed. Usage is simple:

staart <path/to/file.ext>

The full feature set of tail is not replicated here. staart will always start from the end of the file, and print all subsequently appearing lines to stdout.


staart can be used as a library exposing methods to the TailedFile struct it creates should there be a need to follow a file from directly within a more complicated application.

Documentation can be found here.


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Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Anthony Martinez