Module ssd1306::mode::terminal

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Unbuffered terminal display mode

This mode uses the 7x7 pixel MarioChrome font to draw characters to the display without needing a framebuffer. It will write characters from top left to bottom right in an 8x8 pixel grid, restarting at the top left of the display once full. The display itself takes care of wrapping lines.

let i2c = /* I2C interface from your HAL of choice */;
let display: TerminalMode<_> = Builder::new().connect_i2c(i2c).into();


// Print a-zA-Z
for c in 97..123 {
    display.write_str(unsafe { core::str::from_utf8_unchecked(&[c]) }).unwrap();


Terminal mode handler


A trait to convert from a character to 8x8 bitmap