Crate srp

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Secure Remote Password (SRP) protocol implementation.

This implementation is generic over hash functions using Digest trait, so you will need to choose a hash function, e.g. Sha256 from sha2 crate. Additionally this crate allows to use a specialized password hashing algorithm for private key computation instead of method described in the SRP literature.

Compatibility with over implementations was not yet tested.


Add srp dependecy to your Cargo.toml:

rand = "0.3"

and this to your crate root:

extern crate srp;

Next read documentation for client and server modules.

Algorithm description

Here we briefly describe implemented algroithm. For additionall information refer to SRP literature. All arithmetic is done modulo N, where N is a large safe prime (N = 2q+1, where q is prime). Additionally g MUST be a generator modulo N. It’s STRONGLY recommended to use SRP parameters provided by this crate in the groups module.

ClientData transferServer
a_pub = g^aa_pub, I —>(lookup s, v for given I)
x = PH(P, s)<— b_pub, sb_pub = k*v + g^b
u = H(a_pub ‖ b_pub)u = H(a_pub ‖ b_pub)
s = (b_pub - k*g^x)^(a+u*x)S = (b_pub - k*g^x)^(a+u*x)
K = H(s)K = H(s)
M1 = H(A ‖ B ‖ K)M1 —>(verify M1)
(verify M2)<— M2M2 = H(A ‖ M1 ‖ K)

Variables and notations have the following meaning:

  • I — user identity (username)
  • P — user password
  • H — one-way hash function
  • PH — password hashing algroithm, in the RFC 5054 described as H(s ‖ H(I ‖ ":" ‖ P))
  • ^ — (modular) exponentiation
  • — concatenation
  • x — user private key
  • s — salt generated by user and stored on the server
  • v — password verifier equal to g^x and stored on the server
  • a, b — secret ephemeral values (at least 256 bits in length)
  • A, B — Public ephemeral values
  • u — scrambling parameter
  • k — multiplier parameter (k = H(N || g) in SRP-6a)


SRP client implementation.
Groups from RFC 5054
SRP server implementation
Additional SRP types.