squark-macros 0.5.1

Macros like JSX to help building Squark application
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crates.io docs.rs

Virtual DOM implemention and definitions of Application and Runtime.


This repository includes

  • Pure Rust virtual DOM implemention
  • Definition of application inspired from HyperApp
  • Definition of runtime to handle diffirence of virtual DOM
  • Runtime implementions for several platforms
    • For web browser by using stdweb.
    • Server side rendering within Rustic world (now working)
  • Macros like a JSX to help writing view

Currently, we depend on nightly channel


crates.io docs.rs

Crate that providing JSX like macro by proc_marco and pest parser.


view! {
    <button class="some-class" onclick={ |_| { Some(Action::Submit) }>

We can generate native Rust expression at compile-time.


crates.io docs.rs

Runtime implemention for web browser with usinng stdweb.

Here is full example of counter app!


extern crate squark;
extern crate squark_macros;
extern crate squark_stdweb;
extern crate stdweb;

use stdweb::traits::*;
use stdweb::web::document;
use squark::{App, Runtime, View};
use squark_stdweb::StdwebRuntime;
use squark_macros::view;

#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
struct State {
    count: isize,

impl State {
    pub fn new() -> State {
        State { count: 0 }

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
enum Action {

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct CounterApp;
impl App for CounterApp {
    type State = State;
    type Action = Action;

    fn reducer(mut state: State, action: Action) -> State {
        match action {
            Action::ChangeCount(c) => {
                state.count = c;

    fn view(state: State) -> View<Action> {
        let count = state.count.clone();
        view! {
                { count.to_string() }
                <button onclick={ move |_| Some(Action::ChangeCount(count.clone() + 1)) }>
                <button onclick={ move |_| Some(Action::ChangeCount(count - 1)) }>

fn main() {

Project dir is located at examples/counter. You can try it with cargo-web.

# on ./examples/counter
cargo install cargo-web
cargo toolchain install nightly-2017-12-01
cargo +nightly-2017-12-01 web start --target=wasm32-unknown-unknown

There is also available TodoMVC example at examples/todomvc and working on https://rail44.github.io/squark/.