Crate sqlx_ledger

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This crate builds on the sqlx crate to provide a set of primitives for implementing an SQL-compatible double-entry accounting system. This system is engineered specifically for dealing with money and building financial products.

§Quick Start

Add and execute the migrations from the migrations directory before usage.

cp ./migrations/* <path/to/your/projects/migrations>
# in your project
cargo sqlx migrate

Here is how to initialize a ledger create a primitive template and post a transaction. This is a toy example that brings all pieces together end-to-end. Not recommended for real use.

use uuid::uuid;
use rust_decimal::Decimal;
use sqlx_ledger::{*, journal::*, account::*, tx_template::*};

async fn init_ledger(journal_id: JournalId) -> SqlxLedger {
    let pg_con =
    let pool = sqlx::PgPool::connect(&pg_con).await.unwrap();
    let ledger = SqlxLedger::new(&pool);

    // Initialize the journal - all entities are constructed via builders
    let new_journal = NewJournal::builder()
        .description("General ledger".to_string())
        .expect("Couldn't build NewJournal");

    let _ = ledger.journals().create(new_journal).await;

    // Initialize an income omnibus account
    let main_account_id = uuid!("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001");
    let new_account = NewAccount::builder()

    let _ = ledger.accounts().create(new_account).await;

    // Create the trivial 'income' template
    // Here are the 'parameters' that the template will require as inputs.
    let params = vec![

    // The templates for the Entries that will be created as part of the transaction.
    let entries = vec![
            // Reference the input parameters via CEL syntax
    let tx_code = "GENERAL_INCOME";
    let new_template = NewTxTemplate::builder()
            // Template for the Transaction metadata.

    let _ = ledger.tx_templates().create(new_template).await;


tokio_test::block_on(async {
    let journal_id = JournalId::from(uuid!("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001"));
    let ledger = init_ledger(journal_id).await;

    // The account that is sending to the general income account
    let sender_account_id = AccountId::new();
    let sender_account = NewAccount::builder()

    // Prepare the input parameters that the template requires
    let mut params = TxParams::new();
    params.insert("sender_account_id", sender_account_id);
    params.insert("units", Decimal::ONE);

    // Create the transaction via the template
        .post_transaction(TransactionId::new(), "GENERAL_INCOME", Some(params))

    // Check the resulting balance
    let account_balance = ledger
        .find(journal_id, sender_account_id, "BTC".parse().unwrap())

    assert_eq!(account_balance.unwrap().settled(), Decimal::NEGATIVE_ONE);



