sprite 0.1.6

Procedurally generate pixel sprites and save them in different formats
sprite-0.1.6 is not a library.

Build Status

sprite (Executable)

Cargo License: GPL-3.0 Downloads


On Linux you need the xorg-dev package as required by minifb -- sudo apt install xorg-dev

cargo run --release

This should produce the following window:


sprite-gen (Library)

A Rust library for procedurally generating 2D sprites. Port of https://github.com/zfedoran/pixel-sprite-generator

Cargo License: GPL-3.0 Downloads



Add this to your Cargo.toml:

sprite-gen = "0.1"

And this to your crate root:

extern crate sprite_gen;

Run the example

On Linux you need the xorg-dev package as required by minifb -- sudo apt install xorg-dev

cargo run --example minifb

This should produce the following window:
