spinning_top 0.1.0

A simple spinlock crate based on the abstractions provided by `lock_api`.


A simple spinlock crate based on the abstractions provided by lock_api.


First, import the crate as a dependency in your Cargo.toml. Then you can use it in the following way:

use spinning_top::Spinlock;

fn main() {
    // Wrap some data in a spinlock
    let data = String::from("Hello");
    let spinlock = Spinlock::new(data);
    make_uppercase(&spinlock); // only pass a shared reference
    // We have ownership of the spinlock, so we can extract the data without locking
    // Note: this consumes the spinlock
    let data = spinlock.into_inner();
    assert_eq!(data.as_str(), "HELLO");

fn make_uppercase(spinlock: &Spinlock<String>) {
    // Lock the spinlock to get a mutable reference to the data
    let mut locked_data = spinlock.lock();
    assert_eq!(locked_data.as_str(), "Hello");

    // the lock is automatically freed at the end of the scope


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