[][src]Function sorting_rs::cocktail_sort::cocktail_sort

pub fn cocktail_sort<T: PartialOrd>(input: &mut [T])

Sorts a slice in-place using Cocktail sort. All kinds of slices can be sorted as long as they implement PartialOrd.

Cocktail sort is a variation of bubble sort. The difference is that bubble sort only makes forward passes, whereas cocktail sort goes back and forth, like a cocktail shaker. In practice cocktail sort is faster than bubble most of the time. A small optimization can be made where the last swap position is remembered, since all elements beyond that point are already sorted.


let mut slice = vec![2,3,4,5,1];
sorting_rs::cocktail_sort(&mut slice);
assert_eq!(slice, &[1,2,3,4,5]);
let mut strings = vec!["rustc", "cargo", "rustup"];
sorting_rs::cocktail_sort(&mut strings);
assert_eq!(strings, &["cargo", "rustc", "rustup"]);