sonnerie 0.1.0

A simple timeseries database
sonnerie-0.1.0 is not a library.
Visit the last successful build: sonnerie-0.8.6


Sonnerie is a time-series database. Map a timestamp to a floating-point value. Store multiple of these series in a single database. Insert tens of millions of samples in minutes, on rotational media.


  • A straight-forward protocol for reading and writing
  • Easy setup: insert data with "netcat" or "telnet" in 5 minutes
  • No query language
  • Transactional: a transaction is completely committed or not at all.
  • Isolated: A transaction doesn't see updates from other transactions or expose its changes until it has been committed.
  • Durable: committed data is resistant to loss from unexpected shutdown.
  • Millisecond-resolution timestamps (64 bit)
  • No weird dependencies, no virtual machines, one single native binary

Sonnerie runs on Unix-like systems and is developed on Linux.


Sonnerie is designed to accept millions of samples across disparate series quickly, and then later fetch ranges from individual series. Memory is used for write-combining, write-ahead-logs are used to keep commits fast while still durable.

Fundamentally, the database is append-only. Edits and insertions are costly (and not yet implemented!).


You intake a lot of samples related to different entities all at once, and then want to read a lot of data for a entity, the disk usage patterns become very different

Timestamp Entity 1 Entity 2 Entity 3
2000-01-01 00:00:00 50.0 23.0 95.3
2000-01-02 00:00:00 24.0
2000-01-03 00:00:00 51.5 25.0
2000-01-04 00:00:00 53.0 26.0 94.8

At each timestamp (row), you insert some samples (it can be millions).

Some time later on, you want to run an analysis on a single Entity, Sonnerie allows one to quickly access all its values (an entire column).

Quick Start


Sonnerie is implemented in Rust, a systems programming language that runs blazingly fast. Installation from source therefor requires you to install the rust compiler, which is as simple as: curl -sSf | sh.

Sonnerie can then be installed from Cargo: cargo install sonnerie.

Sonnerie consists of one executable, sonnerie (~/.cargo/bin/sonnerie)


Just run Sonnerie, sonnerie start -d <database directory to use>.

Sonnerie is running in the background, listening on [::1]:5599 for connections.

Insert data

Start the Sonnerie client:

sonnerie client

Start a transaction:

begin --write

Create a series:

create fibonacci

Add a few values to the series

add fibonacci 2018-01-01T00:00:00 1
add fibonacci 2018-01-02T00:00:00 1
add fibonacci 2018-01-03T00:00:00 2
add fibonacci 2018-01-04T00:00:00 3
add fibonacci 2018-01-05T00:00:00 5
add fibonacci 2018-01-06T00:00:00 8

Read some of those values back:

read fibonacci -f 2018-01-03 -t 2018-01-06

Sonnerie replies with:

2018-01-03 00:00:00     2
2018-01-04 00:00:00     3
2018-01-05 00:00:00     5
2018-01-06 00:00:00     8

Commit the transaction:


After commit completes, the data is definitely on disk.

Try help and read --help (or --help with any command) for more information.


The protocol

Telnet into Sonnerie (telnet ::1 5599) and type "help" to see what you can do. The protocol is text-based and very similar to the client frontend.

Commands use shell-like escaping, so spaces can be escaped with a backslash. Timestamps are milliseconds since the Unix Epoch.

The protocol formats floats with enough precision such that they can represent themselves exactly.

Fast imports

In order to ensure durability, many fsyncs need to be called (a few per transaction). This can slow down imports. You should consider running sonnerie prefixed with eatmydata, which is a Debian package. It will temporarily suppress fsync. After your import is done, start Sonnerie again normally.

When doing your inputs, tweak the size of the transaction until you find the optimal size. This might be a megabyte or so of data.


Online incremental backups are possible (the file format is designed accordingly) but not yet implemented.

You can do a full online backup as such, maintaining the following order:

mkdir dst
sqlite3 src/meta .dump | sqlite3 dst/meta
cp src/blocks dst/blocks

(This method will no longer apply once compacting is implemented).


Modifying existing data will be implemented shortly. It will result in wasted disk space and increased fragmentation.

Disk usage

Each sample requires 16 bytes on average plus small amounts of metadata.


  • Online incremental backups
  • Compacting
  • Compression
  • Old blocks can be compressed and unused space (including that caused by edits and insertions) compacted away.
  • An HTTP-based protocol
  • Most recent values
  • Store other fixed-size data (multiple floats per timestamp)
  • Store variable-sized data (a string or blob per timestamp)


Sonnerie was implemented by Charles Samuels at Management LLC.