Crate solana_sdk

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The budget_expr module provides a domain-specific language for payment plans. Users create BudgetExpr objects that are given to an interpreter. The interpreter listens for Witness transactions, which it uses to reduce the payment plan. When the budget is reduced to a Payment, the payment is executed.
The budget_transaction module provides functionality for creating Budget transactions.
The hash module provides functions for creating SHA-256 hashes.
The loader_transaction module provides functionality for loading and calling a program
The plan module provides a domain-specific language for payment plans. Users create BudgetExpr objects that are given to an interpreter. The interpreter listens for Witness transactions, which it uses to reduce the payment plan. When the plan is reduced to a Payment, the payment is executed.
The signature module provides functionality for public, and private keys.
The system_transaction module provides functionality for creating system transactions.
The timing module provides std::time utility functions.
An ERC20-like Token
The transaction module provides functionality for creating log transactions.
Vote program Receive and processes votes from validators
The vote_transaction module provides functionality for creating vote transactions.
