Module solana_bpf_loader_program::syscalls[][src]


Abort syscall functions, called when the BPF program calls abort() LLVM will insert calls to abort() if it detects an untenable situation, abort() is not intended to be called explicitly by the program. Causes the BPF program to be halted immediately

Dynamic memory allocation syscall called when the BPF program calls sol_alloc_free_(). The allocator is expected to allocate/free from/to a given chunk of memory and enforce size restrictions. The memory chunk is given to the allocator during allocator creation and information about that memory (start address and size) is passed to the VM to use for enforcement.

Cross-program invocation called from C

Cross-program invocation called from Rust

Log a user’s info message

Log current compute consumption

Log 5 64-bit values

Log 5 64-bit values

Panic syscall function, called when the BPF program calls ’sol_panic_()` Causes the BPF program to be halted immediately Log a user’s info message



Error definitions


Maximum signers
