Expand description

crypto_pwhash_scryptsalsa208sha256, a particular combination of Scrypt, Salsa20/8 and SHA-256


HashedPasswordis a password verifier generated from a password
MemLimit represents the maximum amount of RAM that the functions in this module will use, in bytes.
OpsLimit represents the maximum number of computations to perform when using the functions in this module.
Salt used for password hashing


Number of bytes in a HashedPassword.
Safe base line for MemLimit for interactive password hashing.
MemLimit for highly sensitive data.
Safe base line for OpsLimit for interactive password hashing.
OpsLimit for highly sensitive data.
Number of bytes in a Salt.
All HashedPasswords start with this string.


The derive_key() function derives a key from a password and a Salt
gen_salt() randombly generates a new Salt for key derivation
The pwhash() returns a HashedPassword which includes:
pwhash_verify() verifies that the password str_ is a valid password verification string (as generated by pwhash()) for passwd