Macro soa_derive::soa_zip [] [src]

macro_rules! soa_zip {
    ($self: expr, [$($fields: tt)*] $(, $external: expr)* $(,)*) => { ... };

Create an iterator over multiple fields in a Struct of array style vector.

This macro takes two main arguments: the array/slice container, and a list of fields to use, inside square brackets. The iterator will give references to the fields, which can be mutable references if the field name is prefixed with mut.

struct Cheese {
    size: f64,
    mass: f64,
    smell: f64,
    name: String,

let mut vec = CheeseVec::new();
// fill the vector

// Iterate over immutable references
for (mass, size, name) in soa_zip!(&vec, [mass, size, name]) {
    println!("got {} kg and {} cm of {}", mass, size, name);

// Iterate over mutable references
for (mass, name) in soa_zip!(&mut vec, [mut mass, name]) {
    println!("got {} kg of {}, eating 1 kg", mass, name);
    *mass -= 1.0;

The iterator can also work with external iterators. In this case, the iterator will yields elements until any of the fields or one external iterator returns None.

let mut vec = CheeseVec::new();
let mut cellars = Vec::<Cellar>::new();

for (name, mass, cellar) in soa_zip!(&vec, [name, mass], &cellars) {
    println!("we have {} kg of {} in {:#?}", mass, name, cellar);