[][src]Crate soa_vec

Soa2, Soa3, ..SoaN are generic collections with an API similar to that of a Vec of tuples but which store the data laid out as a separate slice per field. The advantage of this layout is that when iterating over the data only a subset need be loaded from RAM.

This approach is common to game engines, and entity component systems in particular but is applicable anywhere that cache coherency and memory bandwidth are important for performance.


/// Some 'entity' data.
struct Position { x: f64, y: f64 }
struct Velocity { dx: f64, dy: f64 }
struct ColdData { /* Potentially many fields omitted here */ }

// Create a vec of entities
let mut entities = Soa3::new();
entities.push((Position {x: 1.0, y: 2.0}, Velocity { dx: 0.0, dy: 0.5 }, ColdData {}));
entities.push((Position {x: 0.0, y: 2.0}, Velocity { dx: 0.5, dy: 0.5 }, ColdData {}));

// Update entities. This loop only loads position and velocity data, while skipping over
// the ColdData which is not necessary for the physics simulation.
let (positions, velocities, _cold) = entities.iters_mut();
for (position, velocity) in positions.zip(velocities) {
	*position = *position + *velocity;

// Remove an entity

// Sort entities by position on y axis
// The fields are passed by reference, so velocity and cold data are not loaded
// until such time as the items are being swapped which runs in O(N)
	|(lh_pos, _, _), (rh_pos, _, _)| lh_pos.y.partial_cmp(&rh_pos.y).unwrap()

// See individual structs for more methods.


This crate has strict requirements for allocations and memory layout and therefore requires the following nightly features:

  • allocator_api
  • alloc_layout_extra






Struct of arrays storage with vec API. See module docs for more information.


Struct of arrays storage with vec API. See module docs for more information.


Struct of arrays storage with vec API. See module docs for more information.


Struct of arrays storage with vec API. See module docs for more information.


Struct of arrays storage with vec API. See module docs for more information.


Struct of arrays storage with vec API. See module docs for more information.


Struct of arrays storage with vec API. See module docs for more information.