snarkos 1.3.2

A decentralized operating system
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    <img alt="snarkOS" width="1412" src="">

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    <a href=""><img src=""></a>
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    <a href=""><img src=""/></a>

## <a name='TableofContents'></a>Table of Contents

* [1. Overview]#1-overview
* [2. Quick Start]#2-quick-start
    * [Option 1 - Download snarkOS]#option-1---download-snarkos
    * [Option 2 - Install from]#option-2---install-from-cratesio
    * [Option 3 - Build from Source Code]#option-3---build-from-source-code
* [3. Usage Guide]#3-usage-guide
    * [3.1 Connecting to the Aleo Network]#31-connecting-to-the-aleo-network
    * [3.2 Command Line Interface]#32-command-line-interface
    * [3.3 Configuration File]#33-configuration-file
* [4. JSON-RPC Interface]#4-json-rpc-interface
* [5. Additional Information]#5-additional-information
* [6. License]#6-license

## 1. Overview

__snarkOS__ is a decentralized operating system for private applications. It forms the backbone of [Aleo]( and
enables applications to verify and store state in a publicly verifiable manner.

## 2. Quick Start

### Option 1 - Download snarkOS

#### Step 1. Download the executable

| [![[]][mac_logo]][mac_dl]    | [![[]][linux_logo]][linux_dl]   | ![[]][windows_logo]   |
| [![[]][mac_badge]][mac_dl]   | [![[]][linux_badge]][linux_dl]  | ![[]][windows_badge]  |




#### Step 2. Install the executable

##### macOS or Linux

Unzip the package and in terminal, `cd` into the unzipped folder and run:
mv snarkos /usr/local/bin

##### Windows

Coming Soon

#### Step 3. Start snarkOS

To start a snarkOS client node, run:

### Option 2 - Install from

#### Step 1. Install Rust

We recommend installing Rust using [rustup]( You can install `rustup` as follows:

##### macOS or Linux
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

##### Windows

Download the [Windows 64-bit executable]( or [Windows 32-bit executable](
and follow the on-screen instructions.

#### Step 2. Install from

In your terminal, run:

cargo install snarkos

#### Step 3. Start snarkOS

To start a snarkOS client node, run:

### Option 3 - Build from Source Code

#### Step 1. Install Rust

We recommend installing Rust using [rustup]( You can install `rustup` as follows:

##### macOS or Linux
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

##### Windows

Download the [Windows 64-bit executable]( or [Windows 32-bit executable](
and follow the on-screen instructions.

#### Step 2. Build from Source Code

Start by cloning this repository:
git clone --depth 1

Next, compile and install snarkOS:
cargo install --path . --locked

#### Step 3. Start snarkOS

To start a snarkOS client node, run:

### 2.2c Build with Docker

#### Docker build
docker build -t snarkos:latest .
docker-compose build

#### Docker run
``` bash
docker run -d -p 4131:4131 --name snarkos snarkos
docker-compose up

## 3. Usage Guide

### 3.1 Connecting to Aleo Testnet I

To start a client node, run:

To start a mining node, run:
snarkos --is-miner

To run a node with custom settings, refer to the full list of options and flags available
in the CLI.

### 3.2 Command Line Interface

Full list of CLI flags and options can be viewed with `snarkos --help`:

snarkOS <version>
Run an Aleo node (include -h for more options)

    snarkos [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

    -h, --help           Prints help information
        --is-bootnode    Run the node as a bootnode (IP is hard coded in the protocol)
        --is-miner       Start mining blocks from this node
        --no-jsonrpc     Run the node without running the json rpc server

        --connect <ip>                           Specify one or more node ip addresses to connect to on startup
    -i, --ip <ip>                                Specify the ip of your node
        --max-peers <max-peers>                  Specify the maximum number of peers the node can connect to
        --mempool-interval <mempool-interval>    Specify the frequency in seconds the node should fetch a sync node's mempool
        --min-peers <min-peers>                  Specify the minimum number of peers the node should connect to
        --miner-address <miner-address>          Specify the address that will receive miner rewards
        --network <network-id>                   Specify the network id (default = 1) of the node
    -d, --path <path>                            Specify the node's storage path
    -p, --port <port>                            Specify the port the node is run on
        --rpc-password <rpc-password>            Specify a password for rpc authentication
        --rpc-port <rpc-port>                    Specify the port the json rpc server is run on
        --rpc-username <rpc-username>            Specify a username for rpc authentication
        --verbose <verbose>                      Specify the verbosity (default = 1) of the node [possible values: 0, 1, 2]

#### Examples

##### Guard RPC endpoints
snarkos --rpc-username <Username> --rpc-password <Password>

##### Manually connect to a peer on the network
snarkos --connect "<IP ADDRESS>"

### 3.3 Configuration File

A `config.toml` file is generated in the `~/.snarkOS/` directory when the node is initialized for the time.
Updating this `config.toml` file allows node operators to specify default settings for the node without
having to specify additional information in the CLI.

## 4. JSON-RPC Interface

By default, snarkOS launches a JSON-RPC server to allow external interfacing with the Aleo network. Documentation of the RPC endpoints can be found [here](rpc/

## 5. Additional Information

For additional information, please refer to the official [Aleo documentation page](

## 6. License

[![License: GPL v3](](./