initSidebarItems({"enum":[["Error","Error describes all the possible errors that may occur during Snappy compression or decompression."]],"fn":[["decompress_len","Returns the decompressed size (in bytes) of the compressed bytes given."],["max_compress_len","Returns the maximum compressed size given the uncompressed size."]],"struct":[["Decoder","Decoder is a raw decoder for decompressing bytes in the Snappy format."],["Encoder","Encoder is a raw encoder for compressing bytes in the Snappy format."],["IntoInnerError","IntoInnerError occurs when consuming a `Writer` fails."],["Reader","A reader for decompressing a Snappy stream."],["Writer","A writer for compressing a Snappy stream."]],"type":[["Result","A convenient type alias for `Result`."]]});