snafu 0.4.4

An ergonomic error handling library
# SNAFU user's guide

Once you've got a high-level idea of what SNAFU can do by looking
at the [quick example](crate), take a peek at [our design

For more advanced usage, take a deeper dive into [how the `Snafu`
macro works](guide::the_macro), how to create [opaque error
types](guide::opaque), how to use [generic types and
lifetimes](guide::generics), and what [attributes are

For optional features of the crate, see our [list of feature

If you are targeting an older release of Rust, you will be
interested in [the compatibility section](guide::compatibility).

For upgrading from a previous version, review the [upgrading

For comparisons and migration tips from another error library,
see the [comparison list](guide::comparison).