smallbox 0.6.0

`Small Box` optimization: store small item on the stack or fallback to heap for large item. failed to build smallbox-0.6.0
Please check the build logs for more information.
See Builds for ideas on how to fix a failed build, or Metadata for how to configure builds.
If you believe this is' fault, open an issue.
Visit the last successful build: smallbox-0.8.2


Build Status

Small Box optimization: store small item on the stack or fallback to heap for large item.



First, add the following to your Cargo.toml:

smallbox = "0.6"

Next, add this to your crate root:

extern crate smallbox;

If you want this crate to work with dynamic-sized type, you can request it via:

smallbox = { version = "0.6", features = ["unsize"] }

Currently smallbox by default links to the standard library, but if you would instead like to use this crate in a #![no_std] situation or crate, you can request this via, this would link alloc crate and requires nightly rust:

version = "0.6"
features = ["unsize"]
default-features = false

Feature Flags

This crate has the following cargo feature flags:

  • std

    • Optional, enabled by default
    • Use libstd
    • If std feature flag is opted out, alloc crate will be linked, which would require nightly rust.
  • unsize

    • Optional
    • Require nightly rust
    • Enable support for DST (dynamic-sized type).

Stable Rust

The only possible way to use this crate on stable rust is to use the default feature flag, which means you can't use it in no_std environment or use it with DST (dynamic-sized type).

Unsized Type

Once the feature unsize is enabled, sized SmallBox<T> can be coerced into SmallBox<T: ?Sized> if necessary.


Eliminate heap alloction for small items by SmallBox:

use smallbox::SmallBox;
use smallbox::space::S4;

let small: SmallBox<_, S4> = SmallBox::new([0; 2]);
let large: SmallBox<_, S4> = SmallBox::new([0; 32]);

assert_eq!(small.len(), 2);
assert_eq!(large.len(), 32);

assert_eq!(*small, [0; 2]);
assert_eq!(*large, [0; 32]);

assert!(small.heaped() == false);
assert!(large.heaped() == true);


The following examples requires unsize feature flag enabled.

Trait object dynamic-dispatch:

use smallbox::SmallBox;
use smallbox::space::S1;
let val: SmallBox<PartialEq<usize>, S1> = SmallBox::new(5usize);
assert!(*val == 5)

Any downcasting:

use std::any::Any;
use smallbox::SmallBox;
use smallbox::space::S2;

let num: SmallBox<Any, S2> = SmallBox::new(1234u32);

if let Some(num) = num.downcast_ref::<u32>() {
    assert_eq!(*num, 1234);
} else {


The capacity of SmallBox<T, Space> is expressed by the size of type parameter Space, regardless of what the Space actually is.

This crate provides some spaces in module smallbox::space, from S1, S2, S4 to S64, representing "n * usize" spaces.

Anyway, you can defind your own space type, such as a byte array [u8; 64].

The resize() method on SmallBox is used to change its capacity.

use smallbox::SmallBox;
use smallbox::space::{S8, S16};

let s: SmallBox::<_, S8> = SmallBox::new([0usize; 8]);
let m: SmallBox<_, S16> = s.resize();


The test platform is Windows 10 on Intel E3 v1230 v3.

running 6 tests
test box_large_item                  ... bench:         104 ns/iter (+/- 14)
test box_small_item                  ... bench:          49 ns/iter (+/- 5)
test smallbox_large_item_large_space ... bench:          52 ns/iter (+/- 6)
test smallbox_large_item_small_space ... bench:         106 ns/iter (+/- 25)
test smallbox_small_item_large_space ... bench:          18 ns/iter (+/- 1)
test smallbox_small_item_small_space ... bench:           2 ns/iter (+/- 0)

test result: ok. 0 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 6 measured; 0 filtered out


All kinds of contribution are welcome.

  • Issue Feel free to open an issue when you find typos, bugs, or have any question.
  • Pull requests. Better implementation, more tests, more documents and typo fixes are all welcome.


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