[][src]Crate slots

Data structure with only constant time operations

Slots implements a "heapless", fixed size, unordered data structure where elements can only be modified using the key retrieved when storing them. Slots behaves similarly to a stack, except the key can be used to retrieve (and delete) elements without restriction.

Example usage:

use slots::Slots;
use slots::consts::U6;

let mut slots: Slots<_, U6> = Slots::new(); // Capacity of 6 elements

// Store elements
let k1 = slots.store(2).unwrap(); // returns Err(2) if full
let k2 = slots.store(4).unwrap();

// Remove first element
let first = slots.take(k1); // k1 is consumed and can no longer be used
assert_eq!(2, first);

// Read element without modification
let three = slots.read(&k2, |&e| e-1); // closure can be used to transform element
assert_eq!(3, three);

// Try to read from an index without the key:
let this_will_be_none = slots.try_read(5, |&e| e); // closure *is not* called because index is not used
assert_eq!(None, this_will_be_none);

// Try to read from an index extracted from the key:
let index = k2.index(); // this will only allow us to read since there are no guarantees the item will be valid
let this_will_be_five = slots.try_read(index, |&e| e+1).unwrap(); //closure *is* called
assert_eq!(5, this_will_be_five);

// Modify a stored element
let three = slots.modify(&k2, |e| {
    *e = 2 + *e;
assert_eq!(3, three);

// Information about the storage
assert_eq!(6, slots.capacity());
assert_eq!(1, slots.count());



Type aliases for many constants.





Trait making GenericArray work, marking types to be used as length of an array