Crate slog_extlog [] [src]

External logging and statistics tracking API for slog.

This crate adds support for two features to the slog ecosystem.

Generating "external" logs

External logs are logs that form an API and so must not be modified or removed without agreeing as a spec change. New logs can always safely be added.

The real advantage of external logs is that the log itself becomes a type, therefore guaranteeing that required fields must always be provided and giving compile-time checking of log generation.

When using this crate, slog loggers can be used in two ways.

  • External logs can be defined using this crate, and then logged using a StatisticsLogger. They can also be used as triggers for statistics generation.
  • For internal, low-level logging, the usual slog macros (info!, debug!, trace! etc) can be used.

Any object can be made into an external log by implementing ExtLoggable. In nearly all cases this trait should be automatically derived using the slog-extlog-derive crate.

Log objects

To use this crate to define external logs:

  • Add slog-extlog to your Cargo.toml.
  • Import it with #[macro_use] extern crate slog_extlog; in your toplevel module.

To make a new external log using this crate:

  • Define a structure with appropriate fields to act as the log.
  • Define a constant string named CRATE_LOG_NAME which uniquely identifies this crate in log identifiers. This must uniquely identify your crate.
  • Import slog_extlog_derive with #[macro_use], and derive the ExtLoggable trait for this object.
    • If your structure is overly complex or unusual, manually implement ExtLoggable.
  • Early in your program or libary, obtain or create a Logger of the correct format and wrap it in a ['StatisticsLogger`].

You can then call the xlog!() macro, passing in a StatisticsLogger and an instance of your structure, and it will be logged according to the Logger's associated Drain as usual. Structure parameters will be added as key-value pairs, but with the bonus that you get type checking.

You can continue to make developer logs simply using slog as normal:

  • Add slog to your Cargo.toml.
  • Import it with #[macro_use] extern crate slog; in your top level module.
  • Use the usual slog macros, e.g., debug!.


Parameters to external logs must implement slog::Value.

For types you own, you can also derive slog::Value using #[derive SlogValue] from the slog-extlog-derive crate.

For types you do not own, you can define a wrapper type that implements Value using impl_value_wrapper.

Statistics tracking

ExtLoggable objects can automatically trigger changes to statistics tracked by the associated [StatsLogger].

To make this work, the following approach is required.

  • Create a static set of statistic definitions using the define_stats macro.
  • Add StatTrigger attributes to each external log that explains which statistics the log should update.

The automatic derivation code then takes care of updating the statistics as and when required.


An example of a simple program that defines and produces some basic logs.

extern crate slog_extlog_derive;
extern crate slog;
extern crate slog_json;
extern crate slog_extlog;
extern crate serde_derive;
extern crate erased_serde;

use slog_extlog::{ExtLoggable, stats};
use slog::Drain;
use std::sync::Mutex;

#[derive(Clone, Serialize, ExtLoggable)]
#[LogDetails(Id="101", Text="Foo Request received", Level="Info")]
struct FooReqRcvd;

#[derive(Clone, Serialize, ExtLoggable)]
#[LogDetails(Id="103", Text="Foo response sent", Level="Info")]
struct FooRspSent(FooRspCode);

#[derive(Clone, Serialize, SlogValue)]
enum FooRspCode {

#[derive(Clone, Serialize, SlogValue)]
enum FooMethod {

#[derive(Clone, Serialize, SlogValue)]
struct FooContext {
    id: String,
    method: FooMethod,

const CRATE_LOG_NAME: &'static str = "FOO";

fn main() {

    // Use a basic logger with some context.
    let logger = slog::Logger::root(
    let foo_logger = stats::StatisticsLogger::<stats::DefaultStatisticsLogFormatter>::new(
             !("cxt" =>
                         FooContext {
                           id: "123456789".to_string(),
                           method: FooMethod::POST,

    // Now make some logs...
    xlog!(foo_logger, FooReqRcvd);
    debug!(foo_logger, "Some debug info");
    xlog!(foo_logger, FooRspSent(FooRspCode::Success));
    let count = 1;
    info!(foo_logger, "New counter value"; "count" => count);



Copyright 2017 Metaswitch Networks


Statistics generator for [slog].



A macro to define the statistics that can be tracked by the logger. Use of this macro requires StatDefinition to be in scope.


Generate a slog::Value trait implementation for a type we don't own but which implements std::fmt::Display or std::fmt::Debug.


Log an external log through an slog::Logger.



An object that can be logged.


A trait that defines requirements to be automatically derivable.