Crate slimproto

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Slim Protocol for Rust Clients

This library simplifies communicating with a Logitech Media Server, aka LMS, aka Slim Server.

Primarily, communicating with the server is done by instantiating a Server object, connecting to the LMS server and then reading from and writing to supplied connection objects. See SlimProto.

This library also provides a discover function to enable auto-discovery of LMS servers on the network and a StatusData struct to simplify the creation of the regular status messages the server requires.

In order to use this library it’s a good idea to have studied the Slim TCP Protocol first so that this library makes sense.





  • The Decoder trait. Objects that implement this trait take a BytesMut and return an item whose type is defined as the associated type Item.
  • The Encoder trait. Objects that implement this trait take a user-defined Item and insert into the provided BytesMut.
  • Trait for reading frames
  • Trait for writing frames