Crate sise

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SISE (Simple S-expression) is a file format based on S-expressions.


Macro to define values with a lighter syntax.


Utility to read atom nodes.
Helper struct to build SISE trees and get index paths of the inserted nodes.
Base struct from which Builder are created. See Builder example.
Compact style that only inserts spaces between list elements.
Utility to read list nodes.
Iterator over the items of the list in a ListNodeReadUtil that produces NodeReadUtil.
Utility to read nodes.
Structure to specify parsing limits.
Represents a position in a text file.
Maps nodes with their positions in the original text file.
Wrapper whose Display implementation prints self.0 + 1, taking care of overflow.
Structure to configure the SpacedStyle style.
Style that breaks list in lines and indents them.



Trait that allows to implement serialization styles.


Checks whether atom is a valid atom (i.e. matches the regular expression documented at Node::Atom).
Returns whether chr is a valid atom character outside a string (i.e. one of :atomchar: documented at Node::Atom).
Returns whether chr is a valid atom character inside a string, excluding " and \ (i.e. one of :stringchar: documented at Node::Atom).
Parses data. If successful, it returns the root node and a position map that allows to fetch the position (line and column) of each node.
Serializes root_node, returning the result.
Serializes root_node, appending the result to output.