simplog 1.0.2

An extremely small and simple logger that has levels of output

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A small and easy to use rust crate for logging.

## Add to your project Add the dependency on simplogin your crate's Cargo.tomlfile:

simplog = "~1.0"


Import the simplog crate in your code, and use the SimpleLogger module.

extern crate simplog;
use simplog::simplog::SimpleLogger;


Initialize the SimpleLogger using the init() function by passing it an Option<&str> that has a value of None or Some("log_level_str"), where log_level_str is a &str with a valid log level, in any case.

The string will be parsed and if valid set as the log level.



Logging is done using the normal rust log framework, with it's macros for easilly logging at different levels: error!(), info!(), etc.

To include the rust logging framework in your project, add a dependency to your Cargo.toml:

log = "0.3.8"

and use the crate in your code with:

 extern crate log;


extern crate log;

extern crate simplog;
use simplog::simplog::SimpleLogger;

fn main() {
    info!("Hello World!");