simpleflake 0.0.3

Distributed ID generation in Rust for the lazy. failed to build simpleflake-0.0.3
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Visit the last successful build: simpleflake-0.0.4


Travis Status: Build Status

Distributed ID generation in rust for the lazy. Based on the awesome python implementation from SawdustSoftware.

You can read an overview of what this does and why it came into being at the Sawdust Software Blog.


Just add this crate as a dependency to your Cargo.toml:

git = ""


extern crate simpleflake;

let new_id = simpleflake::new();
println!("generated id: {}", new_id);

let parts = simpleflake::parse(new_id);
println!("timestamp: {}", parts.timestamp);
println!("random bits: {}", parts.random_bits);