Function simple_optimization::grid_search[][src]

pub fn grid_search<A: 'static + Send + Sync, T: 'static + Copy + Send + Sync + Default + SampleUniform + PartialOrd + AddAssign + Sub<Output = T> + Div<Output = T> + FromPrimitive, const N: usize>(
    ranges: [Range<T>; N],
    f: fn(_: &[T; N], _: Option<Arc<A>>) -> f64,
    evaluation_data: Option<Arc<A>>,
    polling: Option<u64>,
    early_exit_minimum: Option<f64>,
    points: [u32; N]
) -> [T; N]
Expand description

Grid search

Evaluate all combinations of values from the 3 values where:

  • Value 1 covers 10 values at equal intervals from 0..10 (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9).
  • Value 2 covers 11 values at equal intervals from 5..15.
  • Value 3 covers 12 values at equal intervals from 10..20.

Printing progress every 10ms and exiting early if a value is found which is less than or equal to 15..

use std::sync::Arc;
fn simple_function(list: &[f64; 3], _: Option<Arc<()>>) -> f64 { list.iter().sum() }
let best = simple_optimization::grid_search(
    [0f64..10f64, 5f64..15f64, 10f64..20f64], // Value ranges.
    simple_function, // Evaluation function.
    None, //  No additional evaluation data.
    Some(10), // Print progress every `10ms`.
    Some(15.), // Exit early if `15.` or less is reached.
    // Take `10` samples along range `0` (`0..10`), `11` along range `1` (`5..15`)
    //  and `12` along range `2` (`10..20`).
    // In total taking `10*11*12=1320` samples.
assert_eq!(simple_function(&best, None), 15.);