Function simple_log::quick[][src]

pub fn quick() -> SimpleResult<()>
Expand description

This method can quick init simple-log with no configuration.

If your just want use in demo or test project. Your can use this method. The [quick] method not add any params in method. It’s so easy.

The LogConfig filed just used inner default value.

    path: ./tmp/simple_log.log //output file path
    level: debug //log level
    size: 10 //single log file size with unit:MB. 10MB eq:10*1024*1024
    out_kind:[file,console] //Output to file and terminal at the same time
    roll_count:10 //At the same time, it can save 10 files endwith .gz

If you don’t want use [quick] method.Also can use new method.


extern crate log;

fn main() {

    debug!("test builder debug");
    info!("test builder info");