Crate shell_candy

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🍬 shell-candy

This crate wraps std::process::Command, providing an easier mechanism for handling individual log lines from external tools.


This example shows the basic usage of ShellTask: create one from a POSIX-style command, and then run it with a log line handler that you write yourself. This handler can either continue for every line for the length of the program, or it can return early and shut down the program.

You could use this function to pass log lines through your own log formatter like so:

use anyhow::Result;
use shell_candy::{ShellTaskLog, ShellTaskBehavior, ShellTask};

fn main() -> Result<()> {
  let task = ShellTask::new("rustc --version")?;|line| {
    match line {
      ShellTaskLog::Stdout(message) | ShellTaskLog::Stderr(message) => eprintln!("info: {}", &message),

You could also use this function to return early if a command meets a specific criteria (like encountering an unrecoverable error):

use anyhow::{anyhow, Error, Result};
use shell_candy::{ShellTaskLog, ShellTaskBehavior, ShellTask};

fn main() -> Result<()> {
  let task = ShellTask::new("git log")?;|line| {
    match line {
      ShellTaskLog::Stdout(message) | ShellTaskLog::Stderr(message) => {
        if message.contains("an error that is unlikely to be in your git logs but just might be") {
          return ShellTaskBehavior::<()>::EarlyReturn(Err(anyhow!("encountered an error while running 'git log'").into()));

More information

See the docs for more detailed information and example usage.


A ShellTask runs commands and provides a passthrough log handler for each log line.


The possible errors reported by a ShellTask.
ShellTaskBehavior allows you to terminate a process early, or to continue inside your log handler.
A log message emitted by a ShellTask.
ShellTaskOutput is returned by ShellTask::run and contains information about the task on completion.

Type Definitions

The result type used by a ShellTask.