macro_rules! new_key_types {
    ($(#[$meta:meta])* $vis:vis struct $name:ident; $($other:tt)*) => { ... };
    () => { ... };
Expand description

Defines a new type of Key.

📌 Using different key types for different SharedVecs can prevent using the wrong key to access a value in the wrong SharedVec.


new_key_types! {
    /// This is a special key type identifying fruits stored in a SharedVec.
    pub struct FruitKey;

    /// Another key type for vegetables which cannot be used with the `fruits` SharedVec.
    pub struct VegetableKey;

let fruits = SharedVec::<&'static str, FruitKey>::new();

let (apple_key, _) = fruits.push("Apple");
let (banana_key, _) = fruits.push("Banana");

assert_eq!(fruits[apple_key], "Apple");