Crate shadow_rs[][src]

Expand description

shadow-rs :build-time information stored in your rust project.(binary,lib,cdylib,dylib)

It’s allows you to recall properties of the build process and environment at runtime, including:

Cargo.toml project version

  • Dependency information
  • The Git commit that produced the build artifact (binary)
  • What version of the rust toolchain was used in compilation
  • The build variant, e.g. debug or release
  • (And more)

You can use this tool to check in production exactly where a binary came from and how it was built.

Full Examples

  • Check out the example_shadow for a simple demonstration of how shadow-rs might be used to provide build-time information at run-time.
  • Check out the example_shadow_hook for a simple demonstration of how shadow-rs might be used to provide build-time information at run-time,and add custom hook.

Built in function

  • Check out the examples for a simple demonstration of how shadow-rs might be used to provide build in function.


pub const PKG_VERSION :&str = "1.3.8-beta3";
pub const PKG_VERSION_MAJOR :&str = "1";
pub const PKG_VERSION_MINOR :&str = "3";
pub const PKG_VERSION_PATCH :&str = "8";
pub const PKG_VERSION_PRE :&str = "beta3";
pub const RUST_VERSION :&str = "rustc 1.45.0 (5c1f21c3b 2020-07-13)";
pub const BUILD_RUST_CHANNEL :&str = "debug";
pub const COMMIT_AUTHOR :&str = "baoyachi";
pub const BUILD_TIME :&str = "2020-08-16 13:48:52";
pub const BUILD_TIME_2822 :&str = "Thu, 24 Jun 2021 21:44:14 +0800";
pub const BUILD_TIME_3339 :&str = "2021-06-24T15:53:55+08:00";
pub const COMMIT_DATE :&str = "2021-08-04 12:34:03 +00:00";
pub const COMMIT_DATE_2822 :&str = "Thu, 24 Jun 2021 21:44:14 +0800";
pub const COMMIT_DATE_3339 :&str = "2021-06-24T21:44:14.473058+08:00";
pub const COMMIT_EMAIL :&str = "";
pub const PROJECT_NAME :&str = "shadow-rs";
pub const RUST_CHANNEL :&str = "stable-x86_64-apple-darwin (default)";
pub const BRANCH :&str = "master";
pub const CARGO_LOCK :&str = r#"
├── chrono v0.4.19
│   ├── libc v0.2.80
│   ├── num-integer v0.1.44
│   │   └── num-traits v0.2.14
│   │       [build-dependencies]
│   │       └── autocfg v1.0.1
│   ├── num-traits v0.2.14 (*)
│   └── time v0.1.44
│       └── libc v0.2.80
└── git2 v0.13.12
├── log v0.4.11
│   └── cfg-if v0.1.10
└── url v2.2.0
├── form_urlencoded v1.0.0
│   └── percent-encoding v2.1.0
└── percent-encoding v2.1.0"#;
pub const CARGO_VERSION :&str = "cargo 1.45.0 (744bd1fbb 2020-06-15)";
pub const BUILD_OS :&str = "macos-x86_64";
pub const COMMIT_HASH :&str = "386741540d73c194a3028b96b92fdeb53ca2788a";
pub const GIT_CLEAN :bool = true;
pub const GIT_STATUS_FILE :&str = "* src/ (dirty)";

Setup Guide

1) Modify Cargo.toml fields

Modify your Cargo.toml like so:

build = ""

shadow-rs = "0.6"

shadow-rs = "0.6"

2) Create file

Now in the root of your project (same directory as Cargo.toml) add a file

fn main() -> shadow_rs::SdResult<()> {

3) Integrate Shadow

In your rust file (e.g. *.rs):

use shadow_rs::shadow;


Notice that the shadow! macro is provided the identifier build. You can now use this identifier to access build-time information.

4) Done. Use Shadow.

Then you can use const that’s shadow build it(

The build mod just we use shadow!(build) generated.

fn main(){
   println!("debug:{}", shadow_rs::is_debug()); // check if this is a debug build. e.g 'true/false'
   println!("branch:{}", shadow_rs::branch()); // get current project branch. e.g 'master/develop'
   println!("tag:{}", shadow_rs::tag()); // get current project tag. e.g 'v1.3.5'
   println!("git_clean:{}", shadow_rs::git_clean()); // get current project clean. e.g 'true/false'
   println!("git_status_file:{}", shadow_rs::git_status_file()); // get current project statue file. e.g '  * examples/ (dirty)'

   println!("{}",build::version()); //print version() function
   println!("{}",build::BRANCH); //master
   println!("{}",build::COMMIT_DATE);//2021-08-04 12:34:03 +00:00

   println!("{}",build::RUST_VERSION);//rustc 1.45.0 (5c1f21c3b 2020-07-13)
   println!("{}",build::RUST_CHANNEL);//stable-x86_64-apple-darwin (default)
   println!("{}",build::CARGO_VERSION);//cargo 1.45.0 (744bd1fbb 2020-06-15)
   println!("{}",build::CARGO_TREE); //like command:cargo tree

   println!("{}",build::BUILD_TIME);//2020-08-16 14:50:25
   println!("{}",build::GIT_STATUS_FILE);//* src/ (dirty)

Clap example

And you can also use shadow-rs with clap.

For the user guide and futher documentation, please read The shadow-rs document.


Add a mod in project with $build_mod.



get current repository git branch.

Check current git Repository status without nothing(dirty or stage)

List current git Repository statue(dirty or stage) contain file changed

Get current project build mode.

It’s shadow-rs Initialization entry.

It’s shadow-rs Initialization entry with add custom hook.

get current repository git tag.

Type Definitions