sgx_serialize_derive 1.1.0

Rust SGX SDK provides the ability to write Intel SGX applications in Rust Programming Language.
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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// distributed with this work for additional information
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//! This crate provides sgx_serialize's two derive macros.
//! ```rust,ignore
//! extern crate sgx_tstd as std; // Must do that!
//! #[derive(Serializable, DeSerializable)]
//! ```

// The `quote!` macro requires deep recursion.
#![recursion_limit = "192"]

extern crate quote;

extern crate proc_macro;
use proc_macro::TokenStream;

extern crate syn;
extern crate sgx_serialize_derive_internals as internals;

mod param;
mod bound;
mod fragment;

mod encode;
mod decode;

/// `derive_serialize` provides the `Serializable` macro for `sgx_serialize
/// `derive_serialize` takes one parameter typed `TokenStream` and parse the
/// input stream brought by it. Then expand the parsed the result as return
/// value.
#[proc_macro_derive(Serializable, attributes(sgx_serialize))]
pub fn derive_serialize(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {

    let input = syn::parse_derive_input(&input.to_string()).unwrap();
    match encode::expand_derive_serialize(&input) {
        Ok(expanded) => expanded.parse().unwrap(),
        Err(msg) => panic!(msg),

/// `derive_deserialize` provides the `DeSerializable` macro for `sgx_serialize
/// `derive_deserialize` takes one parameter typed `TokenStream` and parse the
/// input stream brought by it. Then expand the parsed the result as return
/// value.
#[proc_macro_derive(DeSerializable, attributes(sgx_serialize))]
pub fn derive_deserialize(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {

    let input = syn::parse_derive_input(&input.to_string()).unwrap();
    match decode::expand_derive_deserialize(&input) {
        Ok(expanded) => expanded.parse().unwrap(),
        Err(msg) => panic!(msg),