Crate set_slice[][src]

A macro for setting values to slices in batch

Using this macro it is possible to set values to slices without setting each value individually


This example is not tested
set_slice! {
    SLICE = VALUE_1, VALUE_2, VALUE_3, ...;          // list
    SLICE: (SIZE) = VALUE;                           // move
    SLICE = clone REFERENCE;                         // clone ref
    SLICE = copy REFERENCE;                          // copy ref
    unsafe SLICE: (SIZE) = ref REFERENCE;            // unsafe copy ref

Variable Definitions

SLICE: &mut [T] = name of slice
VALUE: impl Deref<Target = [T]> | AsRef<[T]> = value to be stored in slice
SIZE: usize = a constexpr that specifies the size of the slice
REFERENCE: &[T] = a reference to a slice
copy/clone = an identifier that speficies how to handle REFERENCE


let mut slice = [0; 3]; // example slice
let vec = [-1, -2];

set_slice! {
    slice = 1, 2, 3;
    slice[..2] = copy &vec;

assert_eq!(slice, [-1, -2, 3]);

Semantics and Notes on Syntax


the list: VALUE_1, VALUE_2, VALUE_3, ... is counted and converted into an array
after conversion it is has the same semantics as move applied to the new array


the VALUE is moved into set_slice and dropped
the contents of VALUE are stored into the slice


the REFERENCE &[T] values are copied into the slice
T must implement Copy


the REFERENCE &[T] values are cloned into the slice
T must implement Clone


the REFERENCE &[T] values are copied into the slice
T must implement Copy

unsafe copy

the REFERENCE &[T] values are copied into the slice
internally this uses ::core::mem::transmute_copy
so, use this with caution, as it may cause undefined behaviour

Cargo features

This crate allows for use in no-std environment.



a macro for setting parts of slices, see crate level docs for more info