var searchIndex = {}; searchIndex["service_discovery"] = {"doc":"# Service Discovery","items":[[3,"ServiceDiscovery","service_discovery","ServiceDiscovery is a RAII API for the purposes of discovering peers on the local network. To\nstop the process of discovery completely, it is sufficient to drop the instance of this struct.",null,null],[11,"new","","Obtain a new RAII instance of ServiceDiscovery. By default listening to peers searching for\nus is disabled.",0,{"inputs":[{"name":"u16"},{"name":"reply"}],"output":{"name":"result"}}],[11,"register_seek_peer_observer","","Register a new observer to be notified whenever we successfully find peers by interrogating\nthe network. Return value indicates acknowledgement of the request.",0,null],[11,"set_listen_for_peers","","Enable or disable listening and responding to peers searching for us. This will\ncorrespondingly allow or disallow others from finding us by interrogating the network.\nReturn value indicates acknowledgement of the request.",0,null],[11,"seek_peers","","Interrogate the network to find peers. Return value indicates acknowledgement of the\nrequest.",0,null],[11,"drop","","",0,null]],"paths":[[3,"ServiceDiscovery"]]}; initSearch(searchIndex);