[][src]Crate serde_cef

CEF is an extensible, text-based format designed to support multiple device types by offerring the most relevant information. Message syntaxes are reduced to work with ESM normalization. Specifically, CEF defines a syntax for log records comprised of a standard header and a variable extension, formatted as key-value pairs.

Sep 19 08:26:10 host CEF:0|Security|threatmanager|1.0|100|worm successfully stopped|10|src= dst= spt=1232


You can start using it by first adding it to your Cargo.toml:

serde_derive = "1.0"
serde_cef = "0.1"

Then, create a structure which implement serde::Serialize / serde::Deserialize traits and use the structure as extention in the serde_cef::CefRecord.

extern crate serde_cef;
extern crate serde_derive;
use serde_cef::{CefRecord, CefSeverity, CefSignatureId};

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug)]
struct Foo {
    a: String,
    b: u64,
fn main() {
    let rec = CefRecord {
        headers: None,
        version: 0,
        device_vendor: "Fake".to_string(),
        device_product: "Product".to_string(),
        device_version: "0.1".to_string(),
        signature_id: CefSignatureId::U64(0),
        signature: "Nothing".to_string(),
        severity: CefSeverity::U8(6),
        extensions: Foo { a: "subtest".into(), b: 695217 },
    let as_string = serde_cef::to_string(&rec).unwrap();
    println!("{}", &as_string);
    println!("{:?}", serde_cef::from_str::<Foo>(&as_string).unwrap());


CEF:0|Fake|Product|0.1|0|Nothing|6|a=subtest b=695217
CefRecord { headers: None, version: 0, device_vendor: "Fake", device_product: "Product", device_version: "0.1", signature_id: U64(0), signature: "Nothing", severity: U8(6), extensions: Foo { a: "subtest", b: 695217 } }

Feature ovh-ldp

The feature ovh-ldp allow to suffix fields names to suits to the LDP naming conventions.

In your Cargo.toml, set:

serde_value_flatten = { version = "0.1", features = ["ovh-ldp"] }

Re-run the previous example, and now the output will be :

CEF:0|Fake|Product|0.1|0|Nothing|6|a:subtest b_double:695217



Struct which represent a CEF record according to the specification.



Enum to store errors


Severity is a string or integer and reflects the importance of the event.


Device Event Class ID is a unique identifier per event-type.



Deserialize an instance of type CefRecord<T> from a string of CEF text.


Serialize an instance of type CefRecord<T> into a string of CEF text.

Type Definitions


Alias for a Result with the error type CefError.