serde_bencode 0.2.0

A Serde backed Bencode encoding/decoding library for Rust.
# serde-bencode

A [Serde]( backed [Bencode](
encoding/decoding library for Rust.

## Installation

Add the following to your `Cargo.toml`:

serde_bencode = "^0.1.0"
serde = "^1.0.0"
serde_derive = "^1.0.0"

Serde works best with Rust nightly, it is highly recommended that you use

## Usage

This is an abbreviated `.torrent` parsing example from
[examples/](examples/ If you compile this crate as a binary, it
will print metadata for any Torrent sent to stdin.

## Bencode Enum

There is a [Bencode enum](src/ provided when any valid
Bencode value is needed in a single typed container. For example you can
use it to serialize/deserialize type `Vec<Bencode>`:

let list: Vec<Bencode> = vec!["one".into(), "two".into(), "three".into(), 4i64.into()];
let mut ser = Encoder::new();
list.serialize(&mut ser).unwrap();
let list_serialize: Vec<u8> = ser.into();
assert_eq!(String::from_utf8(list_serialize).unwrap(), "l3:one3:two5:threei4ee");

## ByteBuf

In the `` example you'll notice that the `` is
a `serde::bytes::ByteBuf`. This is a wrapper type provided by Serde that
allows `Vec<u8>` to be decoded as a Bencode ByteString instead of a