initSidebarItems({"enum":[["Type","`Type` represents all the primitive types that can be deserialized. This is used by `Error::kind_mismatch`."]],"mod":[["impls",""],["value",""]],"trait":[["Deserialize",""],["Deserializer","`Deserializer` is a trait that can deserialize values by threading a `Visitor` trait through a value. It supports two entry point styles which enables different kinds of deserialization."],["EnumMapVisitor",""],["EnumSeqVisitor",""],["EnumVisitor","`EnumVisitor` is a visitor that is created by the `Deserialize` and passed to the `Deserializer` in order to deserialize enums."],["Error","`Error` is a trait that allows a `Deserialize` to generically create a `Deserializer` error."],["MapVisitor",""],["SeqVisitor",""],["VariantVisitor","`VariantVisitor` is a visitor that is created by the `Deserializer` and passed to the `Deserialize` in order to deserialize a specific enum variant."],["Visitor",""]]});