Module serde_hjson::value

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Hjson Value

This module is centered around the Value type, which can represent all possible Hjson values.

Example of use:

extern crate serde_hjson;

use serde_hjson::Value;

fn main() {
    let s = "{x: 1.0, y: 2.0}";
    let value: Value = serde_hjson::from_str(s).unwrap();

It is also possible to deserialize from a Value type:

extern crate serde_hjson;

use serde_hjson::{Value, Map};

fn main() {
    let mut map = Map::new();
    map.insert(String::from("x"), Value::F64(1.0));
    map.insert(String::from("y"), Value::F64(2.0));
    let value = Value::Object(map);

    let map: Map<String, f64> = serde_hjson::from_value(value).unwrap();


Creates a serde::Deserializer from a Value object.
Create a serde::Serializer that serializes a Serializee into a Value.


Represents a Hjson/JSON value


A trait for converting values to Hjson


Shortcut function to decode a Hjson Value into a T
Shortcut function to encode a T into a Hjson Value

Type Definitions

Represents a key/value type.
Represents the IntoIter type.